These few days always feel unlucky.Yesterday I went back to KC school,think to collect my testimonial.Unfortunately,school holiday!!! arrgg!! At night,my modem was failed to connect to the internet,that's why can't surf net and update my blog. arrgg!!
This morning when i woke up,suppose need to work at PWTC,but my eyes felt pain and red,initially,my sister told me it might be eyes infection.At noon,mama and sis fetch me to Tung Shin Hospital to visit eyes specialist.In conclusion,I got Virus Infection and it is so called "red eyes".It could spread to people when I talk,cough or via my saliva.Don't worry,it would not spread via looking at my eyes.This stupid question was my mom asked me when in front of the doctor.Then,doctor said it is doesn't matter if look at my eyes,would not being spread.Doctor consulted me do not wear my contact lense within 2 weeks,and it might recover at least a week or more than it,depends on my immune system,sigh....I think at least a week I can't work again,when can I achieve my goal!!! sigh...
bell bell dirty!! got eye infection!!!LOLs....
take care babe.muakssss
hahahahaha..actually not only kaima..i also wonder whether i will infected by looking at your eye.anyway take good care of yourself!!
oh ya i will find others singk kaki ..since you are sick..i thk you better sing at home la~~~
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